Dr. Laura let the world know what every white person in America already knew. Like Lays potato chips, when it comes to the n-word you can't have just one. When the tape was played for Jesse Jackson he took a step back and shrieked "Nigga....please!" Dr. Laura wants to know why white people can't say the word "nigger". Here's why - CAUSE WE HAVE BEEN SAYING IT FOR 4OO YEARS! White people INVENTED the word. Now we want it back! Cause we are pissed that black people took a word created to intimidate and belittle and made it cool and hip. You don't see us whites whining to use the Spanish word "vato". It's not our word and we didn't invent it to dehumanize Mexicans. At this time in history the word "vato" has no value to white Americans, much like the peso. But give us time......this could change. We, white America, are pissed because black people took our lemon and made lemonade. Some of my ignorant and/or racist fell...