
Showing posts from October, 2010


I am not attempting to kick someone when they are down but I am attempting to introduce rational thought into a discussion which is becoming more irrational by the moment. The article below outlines the suicide of four teenagers who lived in the same community. Each teenager supposedly succumbed to the temptation of suicide at the hand(s) of a cyber-bully(s). These suicides are a needless tragedy but are not the result of cyber-bulllying and are most definitely not the fault of the school or educators involved with these children. The responsibility for these suicides fall at the feet of the parents and the children themselves. Poor parenting and poor role models are the culprits in these suicides. Some of the parents are attempting to blame the school and specific educators for the death of their children. It is not the responsibility of the school or the educators to raise others children or serve as their bodyguard. This is the task of the parents. I will take a closer look at each ...