
Showing posts from November, 2010


The TSA is violating civil liberties in order to perform security searches at the airport. So this is the complaint by the conservative right. We could stop the intrusion by our government and have the searches cease. Here is where it gets hairy. I find falling 30,000 feet in a fiery ball of twisted metal to be a greater violation of my civil liberties. I know Obama has forced these intrusive searches on us. Well, not actually. Such searches were enacted by the Bush administration immediately after 9/11. I know it has been over 9 years now but remember if you can the towers collapsing and the US citizens who had their civil liberties violated by terrorists flying planes into the towers. Yeah, remember now? People are complaining the pat downs and scans go to far. I hear their complaint. Yet I am concerned the searches are not thorough enough. I vividly remember, during my prison term, some ingenious convicts smuggling drugs into the prison in their rectums. I am not intimately familia...


Image Bristol Palin had a child as a teenager! As a result of unprotected sex. That's right, she had sex! Did some of you idiots think she was the virgin who had given birth to the second coming. Do we not remember this fact? The conservative right are truly idiots or have a shrewd understanding of the American public. Regrettably, I believe it is the latter. In general the American public are idiots. This is evidenced by the fact every time a politician states a political opponent is underestimating the intelligence of the American public these idiots reveal a toothless smile and mumble under their food-stuffed mouth "You're fuckin ' A right buddy!". Which is then followed by a swig of beer they share with their huntin ' dog. Bristol Palin is promoting abstinence in a PSA ! Next up Catholic Prie...