
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Right to be Offended

 The first amendment graces each individual American with the right to free speech.  Unstated but inherently part of this right is the right to be both inspired and offended by those who exercise this free speech right.  The Bill of Rights guarantees the United States government cannot stop an individual citizen from exercising their first amendment rights.  The first amendment does not guarantee the individual will avoid consequences by private industry or individual citizens.  A United States citizen can say anything they wish to say.  I am fully in favor of this right.  I want to hear your opinions and feelings.  It better allows me to judge you.  I can make a quicker assumption about you if you open your mouth and express your belief systems.  Of course I will reserve final judgment based on your actions.  It is your actions which concern me most.  You may hold any opinion or view you wish but when that opinion or view b...