
Showing posts from January, 2016


     "Today I had to break up a fight between a retarded child and a child with Downs Syndrome. I angrily pulled them apart.  'What the hell is going on here?  What are you two fighting about.'  The retarded child responded, 'I told him he is dumb.'  The Downs Syndrome child immediately responded, 'He's dumb!"  I hesitated for a few seconds before responding, 'Well... technically you are both...."  The audience erupted in laughter.  I continued with the second part of the joke. "The retarded child pointed at the other child, 'He is dumber than me because he has a genetic mutation of the twenty first chromosome...'  I interrupted, 'Are you sure you are retarded? That is a lot of complex information for ....."  Again the audience erupted in laughter.       This was the second time I had performed this joke.  The first time it also met with an eruption of laughter.  After...


     I have tremendous respect for Spike Lee as a filmmaker and a social spokesperson but I believe he is confused regarding the purpose of a boycott.  A boycott's purpose is to wage financial war against your oppressor.  A boycott attempts to harm the perpetrator of civil injustice by creating harm in the pocketbook of the offender.  This was the purpose of the Montgomery bus boycott.  This was the purpose of the lunch counter sit-ins at Woolworths.  The Civil Rights era architects understood much revenue was gained by the white man from black pockets.  If the black man refused to spend his money at specific white-run municipalities or white-owned businesses this would gain the attention of the white man and bring them to the bargaining table.  Many white men could do without the black man and black race but they did not want to do without their money.  It was not a sense of justice or fairness which brought many white ...