
Showing posts from July, 2016


                                                                 NO MUSLIMS ALLOWED                                                                ALL LIVES MATTER                                                        WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION                          ...


     My 50+ years on this earth I've had many extraordinary experiences.  I've have taken advantage of everything America had to offer.  Early on, at the age of nineteen, I learned my first adult lessons about participation in the American way of life.  Regrettably, I learned sometimes America is not what it is portrayed to be.  I learned the American Dream is not necessarily the goal we chase but the way we retell the story of America.  Revisionist history is often the American Dream.  We long for the good old days, not when America was necessarily great but when we were young enough not to know any better.  Don't misunderstand me.  America has done some great things.  Technology and War are two of our greatest things.  But when you take a closer look at the "Greatness" of America you will find it was never great for all, and rarely great for most.      I am astonished how many Americans can pr...