
Showing posts from December, 2016


     It's that time of year.  So get out your semi-automatic rifles, hand grenades and body armor because Jesus Wants You to enlist in the War on Christmas.  That's right, America home of the free, which includes Religious Freedom and the absence of a national religion, wants you to celebrate the Christian Christ while ignoring other religious figures.  The government and civilian employers are going to give you days off so you can celebrate the birth of Jesus (that doesn't count as an endorsement of the religion by the government... nor does the reference to God on our money... or the prayers before the high school football game.)  As you know... this is the reason for the season.  What if you are Jewish and don't believe in Jesus?  It's just a month or so of celebrating Jesus.  What's the big deal?  It's like when us, whites, tolerate Black History Month.  You will make it through just like we do.  An extra epis...