As you can see from the picture the illegals are peering through the shoddily-constructed wall to view America's freedoms. That is why the come here... to pick our freedoms and send them back to their family on the third-world side of the wall. They want the freedoms all Americans have... the freedom to go home to someone they despise and cheat on. The freedom to hide from the children they produced with they spouse they despise and the freedom to work at a job they hate. Americans have perfected both the science and art of exercising their freedoms. This is exactly what these undocumented immigrants want... America's unlimited freedoms. Or I could be wrong and they are crossing the border for jobs. We can call them illegal jobs not because they are held by illegals but because it is illegal for employers to place them in jobs. Poverty-stricken people come to this country not for freedom but for em...