I am Sam... Openly Gay... Sam I AM!
Is the NFL ready for an openly gay football player? That is the question tossed around by every news organization. We ponder this question as if it is legitimate. We pretend gay football players have not existed previously. More than a couple of former NFL players have admitted they were gay as far back as the 1970's. I am quite sure gay football players existed previously. Yet we act as if it is something new. The new part is the "openly." From the reactions of some players I can surmise they believe "openly gay" means homosexual players will be playing on Sundays with their penises outside their football pants. It seems to be common knowledge among some NFL'ers that the gay penis suffers from some sort of Butthole ADD and spends all it's time jumping randomly from one exposed butthole to another. Not a single NFL player has expressed outrage at the members of his profession be...