I am Sam... Openly Gay... Sam I AM!
Is the NFL ready for an openly gay football player? That is the question tossed around by every news organization. We ponder this question as if it is legitimate. We pretend gay football players have not existed previously. More than a couple of former NFL players have admitted they were gay as far back as the 1970's. I am quite sure gay football players existed previously. Yet we act as if it is something new. The new part is the "openly." From the reactions of some players I can surmise they believe "openly gay" means homosexual players will be playing on Sundays with their penises outside their football pants. It seems to be common knowledge among some NFL'ers that the gay penis suffers from some sort of Butthole ADD and spends all it's time jumping randomly from one exposed butthole to another.
Not a single NFL player has expressed outrage at the members of his profession being represented as a bunch of homophobic neanderthals. We all probably have and do work with homosexuals in our own professions yet I cannot recall one case where a homosexual gave in to his uncontrollable urges and anally raped anyone. Rape is the domain of heterosexuals. That is part of the fear. The ignorant, aggressive, selfish, sociopathic members of the NFL are uneasy with the notion that they may be viewed as a sex object by someone who may be physically bigger and stronger than their self. I love it. Every moron I hear express concern regarding the "shower situation" is simply projecting their own character on to an undeserving homosexual. These homophobes are letting you know if a woman was to shower with them after the game the woman would be at the mercy of the bigger, stronger player. The heterosexual male knows how heterosexual males think. If that woman is present in the shower she is undoubtedly "asking for it." In their two celled brain the only logical conclusion can be if the heterosexual player knowingly showers with the an openly gay player, he is asking for it. See, that makes sense if you are marginally retarded.
The NFL is not known for producing Nobel Prize winners. Some have gone on to make a mark in society but many have squandered away their millions and return to the life they lived prior to their fortune and fame. We are looking for a rational, intelligent, well-reasoned reaction from a group of men who have decided to risk permanent injury and possibly death for football glory. We want the caveman who is still enamored with fire to explain physics. This is not going to happen.
So instead of expecting and demanding more of our "heroes" we rejoice as David is thrown to the lions. We feign repulsion while tuning in to watch David being torn limb from limb. This event was made for television. It is like dropping a naked, teenage, virgin into a prison for convicted rapists. It is abhorrent but we have to watch... with our rapists jersey on.
This story is getting more press attention than the molestation of children in the Catholic church. Why, because this is more serious. This is not religion. This is the NFL!!!
I have watched Michael Sam's interviews. He seems like a well-spoken and obviously courageous young man. I hope when he hits the field his competitive side kicks in. I hope every time he sacks a quarterback he stands above them thrusting his hips and screaming "Suck It!" I hope every time he chases down an opposing running back he jumps up, curtsies, and screams "The fags are gonna catch ya!"
Some general managers have stated they may avoid selecting the young man in the draft because of the accompanying media circus. You remember, like the one created by allowing Jackie Robinson to play baseball? God forbid media attention be brought to your stoop for opening the door and bringing the caveman fire. We reserve that sort of attention for the dog killers, child molesters, and murderers who proudly wear the "Shield."
Is the NFL ready for an openly gay player? The simple answer should be "If they aren't..... there should no longer be an NFL."
Not a single NFL player has expressed outrage at the members of his profession being represented as a bunch of homophobic neanderthals. We all probably have and do work with homosexuals in our own professions yet I cannot recall one case where a homosexual gave in to his uncontrollable urges and anally raped anyone. Rape is the domain of heterosexuals. That is part of the fear. The ignorant, aggressive, selfish, sociopathic members of the NFL are uneasy with the notion that they may be viewed as a sex object by someone who may be physically bigger and stronger than their self. I love it. Every moron I hear express concern regarding the "shower situation" is simply projecting their own character on to an undeserving homosexual. These homophobes are letting you know if a woman was to shower with them after the game the woman would be at the mercy of the bigger, stronger player. The heterosexual male knows how heterosexual males think. If that woman is present in the shower she is undoubtedly "asking for it." In their two celled brain the only logical conclusion can be if the heterosexual player knowingly showers with the an openly gay player, he is asking for it. See, that makes sense if you are marginally retarded.
The NFL is not known for producing Nobel Prize winners. Some have gone on to make a mark in society but many have squandered away their millions and return to the life they lived prior to their fortune and fame. We are looking for a rational, intelligent, well-reasoned reaction from a group of men who have decided to risk permanent injury and possibly death for football glory. We want the caveman who is still enamored with fire to explain physics. This is not going to happen.
So instead of expecting and demanding more of our "heroes" we rejoice as David is thrown to the lions. We feign repulsion while tuning in to watch David being torn limb from limb. This event was made for television. It is like dropping a naked, teenage, virgin into a prison for convicted rapists. It is abhorrent but we have to watch... with our rapists jersey on.
This story is getting more press attention than the molestation of children in the Catholic church. Why, because this is more serious. This is not religion. This is the NFL!!!
I have watched Michael Sam's interviews. He seems like a well-spoken and obviously courageous young man. I hope when he hits the field his competitive side kicks in. I hope every time he sacks a quarterback he stands above them thrusting his hips and screaming "Suck It!" I hope every time he chases down an opposing running back he jumps up, curtsies, and screams "The fags are gonna catch ya!"
Some general managers have stated they may avoid selecting the young man in the draft because of the accompanying media circus. You remember, like the one created by allowing Jackie Robinson to play baseball? God forbid media attention be brought to your stoop for opening the door and bringing the caveman fire. We reserve that sort of attention for the dog killers, child molesters, and murderers who proudly wear the "Shield."
Is the NFL ready for an openly gay player? The simple answer should be "If they aren't..... there should no longer be an NFL."
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