
Showing posts from 2019


So you are upset about Antifa?  Not our President calling Mexicans rapists, Muslims terrorists and a white guy driving 600 miles to kill Mexicans embolden by the words of our President (invasion, gangs and rapists) .  A white guy killed 22 innocent people.... 19 of whom were American citizens and what sent you over the edge is Antifa? The President's staff (and most likely Trump) conspired with Russia to influence an election.... numerous people were sent to prison for their roles and you are upset about Antifa? The wound you see has always been here.... in fact... it used to be bigger but now with social media we are more aware of the chasm. Things are much better than they used to be.... you posted last week about the astronauts going to the moon... a great moment in American and World history. What you did not remember is the year before MLK and RFK were gunned down.... killed by racists and haters. Three years before Malcolm X was killed.... two years before that JFK...