So you are upset about Antifa?  Not our President calling Mexicans rapists, Muslims terrorists and a white guy driving 600 miles to kill Mexicans embolden by the words of our President (invasion, gangs and rapists).  A white guy killed 22 innocent people.... 19 of whom were American citizens and what sent you over the edge is Antifa? The President's staff (and most likely Trump) conspired with Russia to influence an election.... numerous people were sent to prison for their roles and you are upset about Antifa? The wound you see has always been here.... in fact... it used to be bigger but now with social media we are more aware of the chasm. Things are much better than they used to be.... you posted last week about the astronauts going to the moon... a great moment in American and World history. What you did not remember is the year before MLK and RFK were gunned down.... killed by racists and haters. Three years before Malcolm X was killed.... two years before that JFK was killed. You and I had to hide under wooden desks because Russia might launch a nuclear attack.... people built underground bomb shelters. This time does not remotely compare to the horror and stress of that time. Cities were burning in race riots. Blacks were lynched. George Wallace stood in the door of the Univ of Alabama and refused to allow blacks in. Blacks were stopped from voting. Women had little rights.... could not get a divorce or a loan. Times were much worse then. Now we have a Gulf War which last 15+ years and produces 3,500 dead American and a million dead innocent Middle Easterners. The war was based on a lie and America are the invaders and the terrorists. Back when we were kids.... we had the Vietnam War.... we lost 58,000 Americans and killed 3 million Asians..... also over a lie and fear tactic called the Domino Theory. Truth is that time was much worse. It is shitty now.... and we should have come much further... but we haven't. We still have a lot of work to do.... and pretending things were better back then does not help. Denying the obvious shittiness of some of our people, politicians and systems does not help.
So now you cling to your religion and the flag.... but you are grown man.... you know your religion is a fairytale.... you know your country was full of shit from day one (All Men are Created Equal... there were slaves outside). It does not mean we have not done great things.... but we could have done greater things. Remember LBJ's Great Society.... it never happened because of the Vietnam War. We chose war over a great society. So now you long for the warmth and comfort of the Jesus you knew as a kid.... the flag which gave you pride... you long for the feeling of an ignorant, optimistic, hopeful child. Things were shitty when God was in the school.... and black kids weren't. But it made you feel better because you believed God had your back because you were oblivious to the horrors outside your classroom. Bad things happened in far away places.... when far away was outside your neighborhood. While you were proudly saluting that flag.... millions of Asians were dying for no reason.... young men were dying by the tens of thousands right outside your classroom door. Cities were on fire. The National Guard shot and killed college kids at Kent State and Jackson State. Things were much worse then.... but your focus was the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa... because they were real. But they weren't. The time of your childhood was not better... you were simply ignorant to reality and did not have the stress of adulthood. 

We owe it to this generation to be honest.... shit was worse then... not better. Trump is a racist.... as was his family... it is documented. His statement are racist statements. He incites violence at his rallies and in our streets. It seems some young politicians and young people are not having the shit anymore.... they want to know why you can't have health care.... why corporations don't pay taxes.... why you try to force your religious beliefs on others.... why America does not live up to its promise? Its about fucking time.... I remember when the hippies asked the same questions. I am with this group of young people.... I would take a bullet for them. It is time America practiced what it preaches.... for the first time in our history.


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