
Showing posts from July, 2012


                             BATMAN'S  GOT  A  GUN       For all you fake-ass John Wayne types who would have shot the "Batman Killer" through a haze of tear gas, if only all Americans could carry guns. The total dead would have exceeded a hundred and every single movie goer would have been wounded after your little gun-totin' bitch ass would have fearfully drawn your gun and fired in the darkness as your pistol slipped from your popcorn-buttered hands, killing the people next to you. Yes, that is the answer give everyone a gun. When they start bombing shit cause everyone has a gun, then lets give everyone a bomb. Fuck, after 9/11 we should have given everyone a plane. You carry a gun cause your a pussy, just like this young man. And when faced with such a tragic event you would have done what pussies do..... you would have fired off your gun like Yosemite Sam and taken out your family and friends. If you are so fucking brave...... go disarm