The Reverend Terry Jones and his congregation displayed their intestinal fortitude. If you believe you should burn some Quran's then burn 'em. Like most modern day Christians, Jones and his followers proved to be trash talkers. This is exactly why the Muslims are getting all the press around the world. Weak ass 21st century Christians cannot stand up to PUBLIC PRESSURE much less a heavily armed, kidney failing, inordinately tall Muslim.
The Muslims, at the EXTREME end, demonstrate more dedication, focus, and commitment than their soft and indecisive Christians counterparts whose last real claim to fame was the burning of witches some four hundred years ago. Today's Christians are mere shadows of their greatest generation forefathers who killed hundreds of thousands in the Crusades.
The EXTREME Muslims do not hesitate to strap on a bomb, drive a car packed with explosives into the marketplace or train their children to act as human shields. While Muslim children are busy studying warfare and mastering monkey bars every summer the Christian children are eating Lunchables and drinking Juiceboxes in Vacation Bible School. Christians fail to understand when you are in the midst of a Holy War there is no time for vacation.
Jesus has become complacent. He has digested too much forgiveness and tolerance. Jesus has become accustomed to sleeping till noon and cruising Heaven after dark in his sequined white jumpsuit. It is time Christians took responsibility for sharing their message of salvation. Christians seem to have forgotten you cannot teach love and tolerance without violence and death.
It is time Christians do what needs to be done. It is time to awaken the OLD TESTAMENT GOD. That's right! The Muslims need a little taste of hellfire and brimstone! Maybe a flood and some eternal damnation! That should get some press and attention.
It is time Christians rose to the occasion. It is time to reclaim the top of the religious heap one final time. Judgement day is just around the corner. It is time to toughen up! When was the last time a Christian killed an abortion doc? .......................EXACTLY!!!
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