
Showing posts from 2011


I have watched as appalled and shocked as anyone at the disgusting details of the Penn State scandal. The sexual abuse and ensuing cover up are people at their worst. The outrage has been all encompassing. It seems every American has weighed in on the events and the ensuing scrutiny has brought down a university president, athletic director, and legendary head coach. Some have screamed for the abolition of the football program and the boarding up of the doors of the university. To think that such an esteemed academic institution would be a party to such acts is unfathomable to many. This university has been entrusted with young men and women and have willing shucked their responsibility. These institutions exist to educate and guide our young men and women. Instead some have abused their power and the young people entrusted to their care. If such actions and ensuing cover up had occurred with animals at PetSmart then PetSmart would already be sitting empty. If such act...


We have heard the details of the Penn State crimes. Jerry Sandusky, former long-time football assistant, molested children(s) on campus. Sandusky is a pervert and a sick individual. He is a predator. I do not believe anyone will argue with these facts. Beyond these facts, opinions will vary regarding the actions/inactions of others involved. Mike McCreary a 28 year old graduate assistant football coach WITNESSED the molestation. Upon witnessing the molestation (anal rape between Sandusky and a 10 year old child) he called his father. The NEXT MORNING McCreary and his father spoke with Joe Paterno the long-time head football coach of Penn State. TWO DAYS LATER Paterno reported the statements of McCreary to Paterno's supervisor, the Athletic Director. During the next NINE YEARS no one found it necessary to report the rape of a ten year old to the proper authorities (police). Since these revelations have been made PUBLIC the Penn State Athletic Director, President...


I am writing this blog in response to a private message I was sent by comedian Darryl Littleton. Originally I had posted a comment on LaShonda Lester's FB wall regarding Darryl Littleton's tell-all book about Katt Williams. I stated he was a SNITCH! Below is the article LaShonda Lester posted and stated she would be reading. An Insider Releases A Tell-All Book About Katt Williams! « Humor Mill- The Latest In Comedy & Urba Katt Williams is about to be in the news again, and this time it’s not up to him. This time a book was released from an insider who worked for Katt and traveled on the road with him, saw all of the drama, and most importantly took notes. Evidently Littleton was offended by my statement as he felt he needed to respond directly to me in a private FB message. Below is his message: Hey Anthony. I missed the drama yesterday, nut I see you think I'm a snitch. Wrong. I'm a writer and a historian. Books have be...


Angela Hildebrand an 18 year old Valedictorian from Medina Valley High School has faced resistance regarding her desire to express her Christian beliefs in her valedictorian speech. The school district has also faced a lawsuit by Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Initially the federal courts stated Ms. Hildebrand could not express her Christian views. A few days later this judgment was overturned. The Conservative Christian Right and their radio supporters hailed this as a victory over the Liberal Atheist Left. I had the great fortune to be listening to WOAI's Clear Channel show hosted by Joe Paags. He was gloating Ms. Hildebrand had "earned the right to say what she wants". This was a common sentiment among Christian Right Wingers. Many feeling it was un-American and violated Ms. Hildebrand's right to free speech. I am sure the Christian right wing free speech advocates would have had a very different view of Ms. Hildebrand's right ...