Mike McCreary a 28 year old graduate assistant football coach WITNESSED the molestation. Upon witnessing the molestation (anal rape between Sandusky and a 10 year old child) he called his father. The NEXT MORNING McCreary and his father spoke with Joe Paterno the long-time head football coach of Penn State. TWO DAYS LATER Paterno reported the statements of McCreary to Paterno's supervisor, the Athletic Director. During the next NINE YEARS no one found it necessary to report the rape of a ten year old to the proper authorities (police).
Since these revelations have been made PUBLIC the Penn State Athletic Director, President, and Head Football Coach Joe Paterno have been fired. For six days I have listened to the opinions of the media, family and friends. Each of these individuals have expressed shock and outrage at the actions/inactions of many of the people involved in this tragedy. This is where I have a problem. We are feigning ignorance and innocence where others actions are involved. The series of events, following the actual molestation, make perfect sense and are played out in each of our lives every day.
Penn State and it's football staff and administration are involved in a cover up. This cover up began with graduate assistant football coach Mike McCreary. McCreary did not STOP the rape or call the authorities after WITNESSING the rape. He did not stop or call the authorities because he was a graduate assistant football coach who wanted to climb the Penn State coaching ladder. McCreary, witnessing the rape of a young boy by a 30+ year legendary assistant coach, decided not to take immediate or definitive action because this may hinder, impede or cease his climb up the Penn State coaching ladder. McCreary then consulted his father who, in an attempt to protect his son's future coaching career, also decided not to contact the proper authorities. Instead the father and son contacted head football coach, Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno then held on to this information for TWO DAYS before reporting it to his supervisor, the school Athletic Director.
What occurred during these two days? I can assure you Paterno confronted Sandusky both questioning and warning his long-time friend and colleague. Paterno probably also consulted an attorney to insure he was not culpable. Paterno then reported the rape to his supervisor, the Athletic Director. Paterno protected his position as head football coach of Penn State. Nine years later the graduate assistant, the head football coach, the athletic director, and the school president had not reported the rape of a ten year old to law enforcement. This is disgusting...................... but predictable.
I have heard many people express disgust with the President of the University stating his actions/inactions were beyond immoral. The Penn State president, Graham Spanier, while his actions/inactions may be both immoral and unethical performed the duties of his job in an exceptional manner. Spanier's job is to protect the reputation of the University. He did exactly that. He was able to hide the rape of a ten year old, on his campus, from the public for almost ten years. He was able to hide the fact that a child molester was on the staff of Penn State for 13 years (initial report of molestation on Sandusky in 1998). Spanier protected the reputation of the University, his primary job responsibility. Behind closed doors there will be people who were "in the know" who will be patting former Penn State University President Spanier on the back for a job well done.
Each person along the line did exactly what most people do. They protected their own SELF INTERESTS. They looked out for NUMBER ONE. They turned a blind eye to the rape of a child while staying singularly focused on their own self interests. Mike McCreary remains on the Penn State staff since witnessing the rape. Who would fire him when he could bring the institution to it's knees? Joe Paterno, despite four losing seasons in five years this decade, numerous calls for his resignation, and his advanced age of 84, has been seemingly UNREMOVABLE in his position as head football coach. Who is going to fire a man who can also bring an institution to it's knees by revealing "their" cover-up? Paterno met his legal obligations while adminstration did not. Paterno knew he was not culpable and he knew administration was.
Now the molestation and crimes have been made public, Paterno no longer has an ace up his sleeve and PATERNO HAS BEEN FIRED. McCreary WITNESSED the attack and did nothing. McCreary is infinitely more irresponsible than Paterno yet remains on the staff. What information does he have that keeps him on the staff? He knows what he told Paterno. If that truth is revealed the civil lawsuit will set a public school settlement record and COMPLETELY destroy the reputation of a legendary coach, program and academic institution.
The disgusting series of events which have transpired AFTER THE RAPE OF A TEN YEAR OLD have been eye-opening. I have listened to one person after another express abhorrence regarding the actions, AFTER THE RAPE, of the people involved in this tragedy. I find this more upsetting and hypocritical than the actions of the Penn State employees.
"If I would have seen it I would have stopped it", "I would have called the authorities", "I would have done something", "I would not have stood idly by and done nothing" are some of the many statements I have heard. Would we have really done something? Really? I think the majority of us would have done exactly what the Penn State employees did...........NOTHING. WE WOULD HAVE PROTECTED OUR OWN SELF INTERESTS.
Have you ever worked with someone who was stealing from your employer and you did not report it? I know, I know it's just your employer. You ever sell someone something that was broken? I know, I know it was just a customer. You ever know a friend's spouse was fooling around but didn't tell your friend? I know, I know it's none of your business. Ever perform surgery on someone that didn't need it cause it's how the system works? I know, I know it's just the cost of doing business. Have you ever covered a family members lie to a neighbor or the authorities? I know, I know they are family. Have you ever not said something or done something cause it's none of your business and you have enough problems of your own? Ever kept your mouth shut because you simply wanted to get along and not be labeled the trouble maker?
I know....... you are thinking...... this is different. This is not the same as walking in on the rape of a child. I hear you. Ever ignore the screams and bruises of the wife next door? Ever turn a blind eye to the alcoholic down the street who drives drunk every weekend night? Anyone ever show you child pornography or you see it on their laptop? Ever tell your children to stay away from the man in the two-story home because you heard stories about what he did to his daughters? Ever know something horrible was happening and not intervene because the perpetrator might come after you or because the perpetrator might say you were involved?
This is why this story resonates with the public. We expect more........ not from ourselves........ from our idols. This is Penn State University. This is the legendary Joe Paterno. They are revered and worshiped. They are what we ASPIRE TO BE. Regrettably............ today we find........... they are just like you and me.
I agree with you on most of this Anthony, that we have indeed become a nation of individuals only looking out for our own best interests. United we stand and divided we fall, and we are falling because too many people think we can have both, unlimited individual acquisition AND the common good, that's a fallacy, there needs to be a balance. There is no longer honor and duty, not real anyway, look at the TI instructors at Lackland, Wall Street Traders and Bankers. Yep, those folks at PSU are following standard operating procedures which is protect and cover your ass at all times, we're just mouthing care and concern for our clients/students, that's PR, but as you say those "in the know" know what time it is. I disagree about everyone doing what the PSU employees did, who knows what we would do? I find most people DO go along to get along, but I've walked away from work that compromised my personal values and integrity and folks thought I was insane. There seems to be no more honor, integrity, instead we have a bunch of "professional" and "leaders" who know what legal liability requires, but not true decency or morality.