I am writing this blog in response to a private message I was sent by comedian Darryl Littleton. Originally I had posted a comment on LaShonda Lester's FB wall regarding Darryl Littleton's tell-all book about Katt Williams. I stated he was a SNITCH! Below is the article LaShonda Lester posted and stated she would be reading.
Katt Williams is about to be in the news again, and this time it’s not up to him. This time a book was released from an insider who worked for Katt and traveled on the road with him, saw all of the drama, and most importantly took notes.
Evidently Littleton was offended by my statement as he felt he needed to respond directly to me in a private FB message. Below is his message:
Evidently Littleton was offended by my statement as he felt he needed to respond directly to me in a private FB message. Below is his message:
Hey Anthony. I missed the drama yesterday, nut I see you think I'm a snitch. Wrong. I'm a writer and a historian. Books have been written abolut most stars old and new. Why wouldn't a writer write about Katt Williams. I've known the man for over 10 years and we had discussed me writing his bio when we were together. So remove the snitch label and replace it with author. BTW - I have a published book on black comedy that katt endorsed. BLACK COMEDIANS ON BLACK COMEDY. Check it out and the documentary I produced that katt's in called WHY WE LAUGH on Showtime. I interviewed him for both and got him into the Comedy hall of Fame. You really need to read the book before you condemn it. Or would you have preferred a white writer from the New Yorker who didn't know the man write a book about him. Would you be equally mad then? D
This is my response to Darryl Littleton's hurt feelings-
Dear Darryl Littleton,
I appreciate you taking the time to respond to little ole' me. I see LaShonda Lester passed my FB comments on to you. Let me ask you a couple of questions:
Where were you when all this shit was going down? What did you do when Katt needed REAL help? I imagine you were cashing the checks HE wrote you! You say Katt endorsed a previous book you wrote and did an interview for a documentary you produced. I am quite positive he provided all this support BEFORE you SNITCHED on him. I have a comedian friend who is an alcoholic. I didn't write a book on him and tell all the fucked up shit he was involved in. Although I did take him to an AA meeting and BUY him a book, The Twelve Steps.
You stated "...... and got him into the Comedy Hall of Fame. Here, in my ignorance, I thought Katt Williams was inducted into the Comedy Hall of Fame because he told some funny ass jokes and had a great stage persona. I must assume when you say you "got him into the Comedy Hall of Fame" you must have meant you once bought him an admission ticket. When you "discussed" writing his biography did you tell him you were gonna run tell all his shit? I am sure you did not.
You stated "I've known the man for ten years...." I bet you don't know him anymore. Then you pleaded with me "You really need to read my book before you condemn it" I don't need to read the National Enquirer to know it's SHIT, be it true or false.
Then you attempt to play the RACE CARD. "Or would you have preferred a white writer from the New Yorker who didn't know the man write a book about him? Would you be equally mad then?" I had rather a stranger stab Katt Williams in the back, as I am sure he would also. As for the color of the writer, doesn't really matter. What matters to me is .............. it was a SNITCHIN' BITCH move.
I am pitching two shows to my cable guy cause that how I gets Showtime. Maybe you can watch them. They are titled "When Black Comedians Attack............ Successful Black Comedians" and "Why We Snitch ($$$)".
FULL DISCLOSURE: I have never met Katt Williams nor was I a fan. Feel free to send me a copy of your book so I can wipe my ass with it. Please don't forget to FRIEND me on FB and ....... can you talk to Showtime for me and see if I can get a one hour special?
Thanks, Anthony Torino
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