RAPE   -  A  DYING  ART  FORM

     For as long as I can remember, rape has been viewed as a traumatic tragedy.  Recent events have brought light to this subject.  Finally, rape has been legitimized with what else?  Legitimate Rape.  It is about time.  Now it is my understanding that some rape is considered acceptable, if not honorable. This is a great day for rapist.  After all those years working in the shadows, the rapist can now proudly reveal themselves.  Undoubtedly, this is a proud moment in our country's history.

     I can now rest easy at night knowing that maybe one day my little girl can be legitimately raped in a dark alley by a fully trained and licensed rapist.  No more concerns regarding a sexual assault of an unwilling victim by an amateur rapist.  My daughter can now get what she has always been asking for... a kinder, gentler, government-approved rape.  There will be no more need for whistles, mace, and terror-filled screams.  My daughter can now lay on the litter-strewn asphalt confident in the fact she is being raped by a professional. 

     NO MEANS NO, has been the slogan of the anti-rape supporters.  A simple slogan... for a simple people.  If a woman does not want to have sex all she has to do is say no.  Much like ordering a baked potato at a restaurant.  If you don't want sour cream then all you have to do is say "no".  If you do not say "no" then you will get your rape with "the works."  Much like a baked potato comes with butter, sour cream and bacon bits it is assumed life, as a woman, will come with unexpected sexual advances.  It is incumbent on the woman, much like the baked potato eater, to express her disagreement or lack of desire for the unwanted (and illegal).  The woman is supposed to stand and speak in the most stressful of environments and take a stand against the inevitability of unwanted sex.  This is fucking ridiculous!

     The slogan should be:

           Yes means Yes... and anything else... means No!

     The assumption should be a "no" is implied unless a "yes"is verbalized.   A frightened woman may not be able to say "no."  A molested child who has grown to be an adult may not be able to say "no."  An inebriated woman cannot say "no."  

     When a woman strolls through the mall and is asked if she would like to sample the perfume and she fails to say "no" is she then covered in the scent?  If she is browsing for a blouse and the salesman asks if she could ring that up for her and she fails to say "no" is the merchandise charged to her credit card?  Of course not, this would be highly unreasonable.  We do not assume someone wants to be involved in any situation unless they give consent verbally and/or in written form.  Failure to give consent is deemed, rightfully so, as a "NO."  

     If a woman fails to consent to sex then it is rape.  A "no" should not be necessary.  A "yes" should be the absolute minimum requirement for consentual sex.  Anything less than a "yes" is a NO!

            Yes means Yes... and anything else... means NO!





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