I have watched as appalled and shocked as anyone at the disgusting details of the Penn State scandal. The sexual abuse and ensuing cover up are people at their worst. The outrage has been all encompassing. It seems every American has weighed in on the events and the ensuing scrutiny has brought down a university president, athletic director, and legendary head coach. Some have screamed for the abolition of the football program and the boarding up of the doors of the university. To think that such an esteemed academic institution would be a party to such acts is unfathomable to many. This university has been entrusted with young men and women and have willing shucked their responsibility. These institutions exist to educate and guide our young men and women. Instead some have abused their power and the young people entrusted to their care.

If such actions and ensuing cover up had occurred with animals at PetSmart then PetSmart would already be sitting empty. If such actions and ensuing cover up had occurred at Walmart then Walmart would be facing boycotts and bankruptcy. But these despicable and illegal actions did not occur at PetSmart or Walmart. These despicable and illegal actions occurred at an institution of higher learning for our children. I cannot think of any other institution which should be held to a higher moral expectation when it comes to the care and protection of our children. Unless of course..................... I think of the Catholic church.

Yes the Catholic church, who abuses more boys before 9am than Penn State does all decade. Yes the same Catholic church who has systematically covered up the sexual abuse of children for more than a century. Penn State covered their abuse up for 9 years. The Catholic church simply scoffs at such amateur behaviors. Eight boys? The Catholic church calls this BRUNCH. Penn State had one molester and hid his illegal and immoral behavior for nine years and this brought down the President of the University, the Athletic Director and Head Coach. The Catholic Church has covered up the molestation of thousands of children by hundreds of priest for more than a century. Did the President of the Catholic Church resign? Did a molester priest resign? NO! The Catholic church simply moved the offending priests to another church. The Catholic version of the famous game "Whack a Hole".

Penn State deserves the scrutiny and the disdain not because they had a molester in their midst. We all have a molester in our midst. They deserve the public outcry because they betrayed the public trust, covered it up and allowed the crimes to be repeated. They deserve what they get. Yet the Catholic church chugs mightily along while ignoring their divine responsibility and no one suffers the consequences except the children and their families. When will we expect more from our religious leadership than we do from our educators, graduate assistants or drug addicts? I want the Pope and his pointy hat on a platter and as garnish I want to see some high ranking Catholic officials being raped in prison.

Why hasn't the public demanded this? We simply turn a blind eye to the abuse just like the Penn State graduate assistant did. Keep putting money in the plate that goes toward settlements for raping your children. I can't help but think............ WWJD?


  1. Because Anthony, when you trade in your right to make up your own mind to the experts, be they University presidents, Catholic hierarchy, the CEO, political leaders, it's way, way too painful to realize that those same experts have used your own willful surrender of choice and responsibility AGAINST YOU to enrich themselves, it goes beyond what's wrong and right, those folks have to admit that they were wrong, the foundation of their whole life belief system is a fraud and it's much easier to deny and even defend those charged of crimes. That's what people don't understand, it's not about logic and rational thought, it's about deep-rooted emotional and psychological needs and impulses which trump all else. It's exactly how people can be manipulated to vote against their own best interests by emotional appeals to one's biases and fears. The demagogues understand this perfectly and know where which levers can be pulled to produce desired results.


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