NO MUSLIMS ALLOWED
                                                               ALL LIVES MATTER 
                                                      WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION
                                                                GAYS NOT SERVED
                                                           MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS
                                                       ISLAM ADVOCATES MURDER
                                                    ILLEGALS ARE TAKING OUR JOBS
                                         TAKE MY GUN FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS
                                                   WE ARE A POST-RACIAL SOCIETY
                                              WE NEED TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK
                                                      MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
      These are the cries of today's white, Christian male.  Damn the constitution or the inscription on the Statue of Liberty or the words repeated in a pledge.  White Christian males are under attack.  They will have to ignore those words until they gain control of the rising tide.  We have all heard the phrases, "All Men are Created Equal" and "Home of the Brave, Land of the Free."  The regrettable truth is all men were never created equal in America.  Freedom and equality were proclaimed as black male slaves stood in the room as the constitution was written.  These slaves were neither free nor equal.  Slaves were a few steps below women, who also had very few rights.  We built our country and our dream on a lie.  A lie which was much easier to hide as long as the slaves, the women and the minorities kept quiet.  Originally it was pretty easy to keep them quiet.  White, Christian males had the numbers and all the power.  Not so much anymore.
     The voices of unrest became much louder when slaves were given their freedom (not rights or equality) in 1865.  The problem was compounded in 1920 when women were given the right to vote (not equality).  Over the next one hundred fifty years these two groups, blacks and women, slowly made progress in the area of civil rights.  Both made substantial progress but have never come close to the rights and privileges given white, Christian men..... by white, Christian men.  In America it has always been white, Christian men who "give" rights, privileges and freedoms.  And white, Christian men can be quite stingy when it comes to doling out rights and freedoms to anyone other than white, Christian males. 
     I don't want to completely disparage white, Christian men.  White, Christian men, especially wealthy ones, built this country.... on the backs of slaves, minorities, immigrants and the poor most notably at the barrel of a gun, whip or noose.  These white, Christian men built the most advanced society which ever existed.  They built the most powerful military machine in the history of mankind.  Times were great.... if you were a white, Christian man.  
     Then came World War II.  This would be America's finest hour.  Our country banded together and conquered two separate empires, Germany and Japan.  Even those citizens who had been treated unfairly joined the fight.  Blacks joined the military and fought for our freedom.  Women left the home and took up factory jobs to support the war effort.  We came together as the most powerful nation ever seen and emerged as the world's only superpower.  We demonstrated to the world we had the resources and desire to fight all comers who might threaten our freedoms.  We strutted with our chest out and head held high as the most wealthy and most powerful military nation (atomic bomb) through the end of the forties.  Then whispers of discontent began to surface.  
     The blacks who fought for our freedom wanted to play America's favorite past time.  They wanted the equality and freedoms they fought for in World War II.  The women also wanted a larger voice in the home and, dare I say, some even wanted to venture out into the workforce.  So the white, Christian men gave an inch.  They gave the blacks a sliver of the sports pie and some women a chair at the reception desk.  And America rode, especially white, Christian men, through the 1950's with only an occasional ripple in the vast American ocean of freedom. 
     All remained relatively quiet on the home front but international tensions rose quickly when the USSR built their own weapon of mass destruction.  America responded by electing their WWII five-star general as President to lead us into a cold war.  This was a frightening time for white, Christian men.  They were no longer the big man on campus with the biggest gun.  They were now faced with an equally-equipped, God-less, communist foe who was hell-bent on destroying the United States.  America was no longer John Wayne policing the world.  We were faced with an equally menacing Ivan Vayne who did not blink when we glared.  In fact Ivan had a menacing laugh and loved to stroke his cat.
     This is when the first cracks appeared in America's highly-cultivated persona.  The white, Christian men began to tremble.  You could see fear behind the blood-shot, drunken eyes of Joseph McCarthy.  You could see the panic as America began digging fallout shelters in their backyards.  The once brave, swaggering, gun-toting, white, Christian men let their fears overcome them.  The God-less, communists revealed the white, Christian leadership of America could be frightened.  This lesson did not go wasted on those in our country who were not treated equitably or fairly.  They observed and formulated a plan.  They would act in the 60's.
     The 1960's would be ushered in by a young President and youthful hopes and dreams.  It would quickly crumble into assassinations, marches, riots, war and burning bras.  We would quickly find the white, Christian men could not sell racism and murder to the masses watching on television at home.  We would find our young people and parents were not willing to watch their peers and children die in a war half a world away broadcast to their dinner tables on the nightly news.  But the white, Christian men were not going to give up without a fight.  They assassinated more leaders.  They killed students on college campuses and they escalated the war as if the supply of young men was endless.  Then the hippies and the women took to the streets burning draft cards and bras.  America would never be the same.  White, Christian men had been put on notice.  Their reign might possibly be coming to an end.
     Over the next few decades the fight would go on... more quietly than the sixties but it did not end.  Civil rights were slowly handed to the blacks and the women to keep the peace.  It was a slow painful process (still is) but it was a steady gain, even if only symbolic at times.  Then the next thing you know the gays wanted a voice.  They wanted to join the military.  They wanted to get married.  The white, Christian men fought back.  They held back the rising tide of demands.  They reluctantly watch the minority populations rise.  They watched other religions get a voice despite their efforts to silence them.  So the white, Christian men decided to bring America together the only way you can guarantee Americans will come together.... a common enemy.  A new enemy with a different God who might one day threaten our freedom.  To keep them from bringing their Holy War here we would fight them over there.  So we did.  And we did.  And we did.  While the white, Christian men stuffed their pockets with war profits they ignored events at home.  The racial, gender and religious minorities began to grow.  In fact the country had changed so much it elected a black man with a Muslim name to the highest office in our land (and soon it will be a woman).  This re-focused the eyes of the white, Christian men on their country.  And what did they find?   They were quickly losing their majority.  This is what has created the White Fright we see today.
     The white, Christian male panic can be summed up with one projected statistic.  By the year 2050, whites will make up only 46% of the population (compared to 85% in 1960).  The white, Christian male will no longer be the majority.  In fact, the majority of the 46% of white people will be females.  Yes, that's right the same females the white, Christian males intentionally disadvantaged for centuries.  Imagine that..... when you take into account the white females and the minorities the white males will be outnumbered approximately 3 to 1.  Of course many of the white, Christian females will stand by their white, Christian men... but they will still be outnumbered.  And most importantly, they will be outnumbered by people they intentionally mistreated, disadvantaged and killed for centuries.  That would make white, Christian males want to drop to their knees and pray.  And that is exactly what they are doing.  As far as the white male can see the inmates are about to outnumber the prison guards... and some may even pray to a different God .... or none at all.  The writing is on the wall.  They see it coming.  It is why they scream, "We want our country back!"  It is not gone yet... but it is well on it's way.  It is why they preach fear.  Fear of blacks... they are all lazy criminals looking for a handout.  Fear of women.... they are emotional, weak, unstable, unqualified and should be at home with the children.  Fear of Mexicans.... they are illegal, criminals and rapists.  Fear of Muslims... they are unholy, radical, terrorists and murderers.  The white, Christian male is afraid.  Did you watch their convention?  They have pissed their pants.
      It does not matter the facts.  They have a feeling.  That feeling is based on a psychological concept called Projection.  The white, Christian male projects their values, thought processes and behaviors on their enemy.  The white, Christian male knows what they did to women, blacks, racial and religious minorities and the gay community.  They fear when they are outnumbered the new masters will treat the white, Christian male slaves with the same hatred, disdain and disrespect they were treated.  
     Do you understand now why the white, Christian males are so frightened?  They are fighting like they have everything to lose.... because they do.  Judgement Day is coming!!!



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