It seems the tough street-wise citizens of Newark, NJ cannot endure the temptation presented by a billboard which has invaded their community. The billboard, created by the Final Exit Network, advocates assisted-suicide for the terminally ill and reads "My Life. My Death. My Choice.". These tough minded Newark citizens believe the mere mention of suicide to their young community members may be received as a more palatable option than actually living in Newark. I have visited Newark......and I can understand their fears. If I have misinterpreted their motivation then I might only suggest Newark citizens are jealous and believe everyone should suffer the slow, painful and inhumane existence to which they have grown accustomed. I am not calloused to the concerns for the young but if Snookie and the Situation succumb to the temptation the billboard suggests then I can only conclude the desire of the many have triumphed over the few.
As for other communities where this billboard is displayed, I suggest a moment of calm contemplation and reflection. Billboards advocating assisted-suicide adorn every street in every community across our vast country. Coors beer entice us to "head for the mountains". Joe the Camel makes it cool to smoke. Ronald McDonald tempts our children with a toy and a burger like a pedophile from his red and yellow van. Alcohol, cigarettes and fast food are assisting Americans in suicide every second of every day! Suicide on the installment plan brings greater suffering and the greatest profits. Our senses are overwhelmed every day with advertisements for products that we know, for certain, will kill us. I do not see Jack being interviewed outside his Box for assisting in a suicide. I do not see a group picketing outside the ranch of the Marlboro Man. Is anyone keeping count of the amount of lives reduced to Schlitz because of alcohol? Americans are assisted everyday in their suicidal mission by billboards and commercials which are carried to us by a chain-smoking, beer guzzling Grim Reaper pushing a shopping cart full of Happy Meals.
So Americans let us all, again, be distracted by the shiny object as terminally ill Americans are denied their right to die with dignity and compassion from terminal diseases which were more than likely caused by the cigarettes, beer, and food we voluntarily consume!


  1. Love it!!! Love it!!! You say it the way it is!


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