We need our guns as the second amendment guarantees.  We need to protect ourselves against the government.  Ask the South how well that approach worked in the 1860's (you know, the South is gonna rise again).  Yes, because the government is a threat.  Sure the government is made up of citizens, but that's not the point.  Okay, so it's not really normal citizens.  It's rich, white, old, male citizens.  As we know these are the types of people who are always wanting a physical confrontation, especially if you are on their lawn. 
     Of course us citizens are going to face down our government. We've seen Red Dawn, we know how it's done. We, the citizens of America, are experts at organizing as long as their is a t-shirt, a colorful ribbon, a 5K, and of course, funnel cake.  Because that is what the United States government is going to do.  They are going to face us with guns.  You know, like the Old West.  The President is going to meet us at the OK Corral at high noon.
     This battle will go on for months.  We will exchange gunfire with the tyrannical government until they can't go on.  Or....... the government will cut off our electricity, water supply and communication.  A couple of days without  Mountain Dew and cable and we will be crying for a dictatorship.  "What do you mean they have cut off the roads to Walmart and my cell phone can't get a signal?  "How am I gonna talk to mamma n 'nem?"  "She gets dizzy if she runs out of snuff!"
     This battle will continue until the government sends up a white flag or the Nascar season begins.  "A free man ain't free unless he can watch the Daytona 500 on a sixty inch plasma screen TV."  "Sure them youngens can miss school, they weren't goin' anyway, but once the deer jerky and Budweiser run out now that is just cruel and unusual punishment."   That is our America.  We will stand up for our rights as long as it doesn't inconvenience us.  Freedom ain't free but it ain't worth missing my fantasy football league draft. We can live to fight another day.... on Halo.
                                    God Bless Amurika!


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