Edward Snowden, the Glady Kravitz, of the national security world, has revealed what we have known for decades.  The government is listening to our phone calls and reading our e-messages.  Holy shit, maybe I should stop posting pics of my dick on the internet for a few moments and feign outrage at this invasion of my personal privacy!
     God forbid the United States government have as much access to our personal information as our credit card company.  The credit card company is trying to sell us the much needed Ronco Fry Daddy.  The government is spying on us to prevent possible terrorist attacks.  We don't need no stinking protection from my government, unless of course terrorists are attempting to steal my George Foreman grill. 
     What is the outrage about?  What the fuck are you emailing you don't want the government to see?  No one wants to see topless pictures of the fat whore you are banging behind your wife's back.  That's why you turn out the lights when you fuck her.  The government doesn't want to see that either.  The only thing you two are terrorizing is the NSA employee's ability to get an erection in the future.  Do you really think the government is interested in listening to you and the girlfriend play "You hang up... no, you hang up... no, you."
     The government is looking for yellow cake not your shitty banana bread recipe.  The government is looking for a bomb not the pic you secretly took of the sixteen year old working out on the eliptical you just sent to your buddy titled "the bomb."   Heaven help the government know you are into beastiality porn.  They already know.  They pulled the pics of your wife from your FaceBook page.  The government isn't trying to steal the Colonel's secret recipe.  They are trying to stop you and your dysfunctional, ignorant family from being scattered across the front lawn.
     Sure the government could abuse this power.  They could identify predators who are molesting children. Great!  They could stop a non-terrorist murder before it occurs.  Great.  They could stop a rape joke before it reaches the stage. Now they have gone too far!  Fuck it, let 'em listen.  You live your life everyday and it is so fuckin' uneventful and meaningless you can't drink and medicate yourself to your grave fast enough.  But I am sure Little Timmy graduating from kindergarten at age eight is a matter of national security.  Privacy my ass!  If you have a bank account or a credit card or own a home or a car your privacy disappeared a long time ago.
     So what is the problem?  You scream for protection after the shootings, the marathon bombings, and all the other tragedies.  You want them to catch the bad guys before they do harm.  Before the bad guys do harm they are known as the good guys.  Yeah, that's right..... we are all suspects. And the government's got it's eyes on you.  Good!  You don't mind when Jesus is watching...... oh, that's it...... you didn't want Black Jesus watching.  If you don't like it then hop on the Soul Train and take the Underground Railroad till you are off the grid.  Otherwise shut the fuck up and live in a safer world because they are watching, listening and reading.  If I were you..... I would LIKE this post.... because..... they are everywhere! 


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