I was contacted last week by a southern comedy club who was very interested in booking me for a week as their headliner.  They expressed one concern, my FB page.  They had reservations that I, sporadically, post Christian memes (John Hagee and Joel Osteen) with anti-Christian messages.  They felt my posts ran contrary to the belief system of their audience.  I completely understood their concerns.  Essentially they felt I do not uphold their community standards.  They did not ask I cease to post such commentary but that I simply do not address religious issues on their stage.  I do not usually address religion in my act so this was not a concession with which I had difficulty.  I assured them I would not address their belief system and we moved forward without a problem.
     Nonetheless as the day progressed the interaction occupied much of my thought process.  As I looked closer at my emotional reaction to the situation it became clear the root of my discontent was the judgment and superiority inherently contained in such a request.  The more thought I gave the interaction the more passionate I became.
     I have spent all thirty years of my adult life serving the needs of both the physically injured and mentally disturbed as a rehabilitation and counseling professional.  I have made a positive impact on thousands of patients and hundreds of coworkers lives.  Christians, what have you done?
     I have never had a drop of alcohol or used an illegal drug.  Christians, can you say that?  I have never had a one night stand.  I have never had a sexual interaction with a woman who was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Christians, can you say that?
     I have never paid for a female's portion of a date because I believe in equality between the sexes.  I would never want a woman to feel she "owes" me sexual favors in exchange for date reimbursement.  This belief, manifested by my actions, has cost me quite a few potential dates.  I never waiver in my stance.  Christians, can you say that?
     I dropped out of high school and college before returning and completing four degrees.  I hate the idea I had to attend college (while working full time) but I did so anyway because it was necessary to serve my purpose... helping people.  Christians, did you make that sacrifice?
     One of my very best friends is a Baptist preacher.  He performed both my wedding and my wife's funeral.  He loves to chide me by saying I am the most Christian person he has ever met. I payed off his church's mortgage. Christians, do your friends say that and have you paid off your church's mortgage?
     When I owned rehabilitation clinics when a patient entered our facility they were evaluated and treatment began immediately.  If the insurance company did not authorize treatment the patient was never told or charged.  The patient was seen until all treatment goals were met.  Christians, would you do that?
     In my years as a rehabilitation owner I grossed approximately $10 million dollars.  If I simply maximized the treatment pre-authorized (as all other health care providers do) I would have grossed $23 million in that duration.  Christians, would you have passed on $13 million dollars?
     When I decided early on in my health care career the rehabilitation delivery system was broken I did not whine.  I changed it.  I created a system which tripled the national average for recovery production (in less than half the treatment duration).  I guaranteed patients reached full recovery or treatment was free.  Christians, would you do that?
     I believed, and practiced, treatment reimbursement should be based on treatment results and not the amount of time spent with the patient (traditional therapy billing).  The average patient spent four hours a day in therapy and the insurer was billed for an hour and fifteen minutes.  The law allowed me to bill for the entire amount of time.  I thought that was excessive.... and I guaranteed results or it was free.  I would spend ten and half months in federal prison because of this approach and my refusal to adhere to the customary practice.  My approach cost me my freedom and millions of dollars.  Christians, would you have done what I did?
     When my wife lost her life in a motorcycle accident I did not abandon my beliefs or curse my supreme being.  I understood death is part of life.  I celebrated our glorious four years together by writing a book about our amazing time together.  I thanked my maker for the four years... I could've never met her.  Christians, is that what you would do?
     When an acquaintance of mine called and told me she was contemplating suicide I called the police, via another phone, while she was on the other line.  I did not consider if she would be mad.  I considered if she would be dead.  Christians, how many times have you done such a thing?
     I am honest with people because I want them to succeed.  I lose friends because of my honesty.  It is the price I pay for my beliefs.  A person cannot attain their goals if those who supposedly care about them lie to them and allow them to carry on in an ineffective manner.  I refer to this as respect, love and compassion.  I do not avoid confrontation in lieu of maintaining a friendship.  Christians, can you say that?
     This southern comedy club owner sells alcohol at his establishment.  Alcohol kills both the user and innocents.  At the least it impairs an individuals ability to master their environment and effectively solve problems.  Christians, should you be throwing stones at me?
     Christians preach God, country and family.  Are you serving your God as his book outlines?  What have you done to help the citizens of our country?  I served in the military.  Did you?  I had a family... she died.  Christians you cheat on your spouse and divorce one another.  You destroy your families in the pursuit of ass and alcohol.  You preach caring for the children.  When was the last time you visited or spent time with your children?  How far behind are you in child support?  
     From what I can see most, if not all, Christians dishonor their God by ignoring his Biblical rules, failing to contribute outside their specific family to the common good and destroying their own families.  So you attend church on Sundays and can recite some Bible verses but you don't live the word... you just speak it.  It is as if most Christians express their beliefs tongue-in-cheek while participating in behaviors forbid by your Bible and counter-productive to your family.  
     I don't want to follow a religion which accepts anyone who submits to the Lord their Savior.  I want a religion where the eternal rewards must be earned in this life.  I want to see your belief system manifest itself via your actions.  If I can't discern your belief system by your actions then I do not want to hear about your beliefs.  I want a supreme being who expects more of me than is possible and judges me on my ability to reach his expectations.  I do not want a religion with a disclaimer of "I'm only human."   
     I want to live in eternity with others who busted their ass here and MADE a positive contribution to the whole.  I don't want the street of gold I reside on to have Hitler, Dahmer, Gacy, etc. as my neighbors because after a life of inflicting suffering they asked for forgiveness and accepted the Lord as their Savoir at the eleventh hour.  I want to spend eternity in High Achiever Heaven.  I want the people with only "Good Hearts" to reside in a Heaven built by people with good hearts and no skills.  Look around.... I believe that is called Hell.
     Don't ask me what my belief system is... watch me and you will see.  I've watched you Christians... you seem to be much talk and little action.  You continue to believe.  I will continue to act on my beliefs.  I will continue to do the heavy lifting.  You continue to pray.  And remember when you are judging me for not espousing your group beliefs... remember I am busy doing... while you are judging .... and disappointing your God... again. 
     Remember the question is.... What Would Jesus DO?  Not "What Would Jesus Believe?"  Read the Bible again... if Jesus never spoke... did his actions not speak volumes?  Most of you have yet to write a page much less a volume.  I am very proud of my body of work.  I look forward to Judgment Day... Do You?     



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