citizens are in a dysfunctional relationship with our government. We love America but we are not IN LOVE with
American government. Yet we still keep
going back to them no matter how much harm, pain and death they bring to
us. Even when we break up with one, we
immediately find another who brings us the same pain and suffering.
Some of us lie down and give up feeling
there is nothing we can do. We feel our
actions will make no difference. We
choose not to vote. Others get angry and
fight but we do not fight those who cause our suffering… we fight others. We project our anger and resentment on
THEM. We blame THEM for our
situation. American citizens are in a dysfunctional,
abusive relationship with a drunken, violent Uncle Sam.
We do not learn from the past. We keep repeating the same mistakes. We ignore the red flags of a bad
relationship…the lies, the misrepresentations, the bad associations, the repeated
poor judgment and the fear. Yes, the
fear… we learn to live with it… it becomes a part of our daily life. Uncle Sam taunts us, “If you don’t like it
here you can leave! Try living somewhere
else and see how they treat you! Who is
gonna protect you if I am not present?
They are stoning people to death.
They are decapitating people.”
All the while we ignore we have seen Uncle Sam lynch, bomb and shoot its
own citizens. Dead is dead, does it
matter how?
Uncle Sam monitors our phone calls, our
emails, our text messages, our social media but the moment we check his calls,
emails or texts we have to search for exile in a foreign country and we are
branded a traitor. Isn’t a relationship
a two way street? If Uncle Sam can see
all of our communications, why can’t we see all of his? He does not trust us but demands we trust
him… or suffer the consequences. If we,
or them, do not trust him then we, and them, will have to do without food, water, medicine
and protection. He will even turn our
friends and strangers against us if we do not accept his demands.
America suffers from Battered Wives
Syndrome. For the last seventy years we
have cowered in a corner of our country taking beatings and deaths of our
family members at the hands of Uncle Sam.
He tells us he beats us and kills our family members because he loves us
and wants us safe. Safe from what? Every threat he has presented over the last
seventy years has not materialized.
Every time he has invented an enemy it turns out they were not. Could it be Uncle Sam has invented “Them” so
we do not look at “We?”
Let’s take a look at what this
power-drunk, violent man has told us about foreign lands…
1) The Red Scare – the Godless
Communists are going to kill us all.
That was his claim for thirty years.
We constructed an Iron Curtain out of fear and we dug holes in the
ground so we could die slowly with our family as Nuclear holocaust rained upon
us in our bomb shelters. He was wrong
and we wasted lives, money and time hiding from the scary bear which was going
to eat us alive.
2) The Domino Theory – he told us if another earthly neighborhood fell to the communists it would just be a few moments
before they would be knocking at our doors.
So we sent our children half a world away to die for an invented
cause. We spent almost two decades
fighting another imagined enemy. We
accomplished little at an enormous cost unless you were a business buddy of
Uncle Sam, they got rich.
3) The Middle East – he told us these
wrong-Goded people were poised to attack.
When a few retaliated on our soil he blamed them all and invaded a country
which did not fly the planes. He gave us
doctored photos to make his case. He did
not go after the father of the son who led the attacks because the father of
the son was his business partner. We
watched more of our children die for an invented cause while Uncle Sam’s
business buddies became wealthier.
Now our colored president has attempted
to negotiate with these sand ni**ers… because he is one of them. Uncle Sam does not negotiate…. until tens of
thousands of our children have been lost, hundreds of thousands of colored
people have been murdered and billions of dollars have been made for America’s
Board of Directors.
Now Uncle Sam has decided Iran cannot have
a nuclear weapon. Isn’t that Iran’s
decision? Can you imagine for a moment
India telling America we cannot have a nuclear weapon? Can you imagine China telling America they
want to inspect our military installations?
America would attack either of these countries if they attempted to stop
Uncle Sam from having cable. I know, I
know.. we do not trust the Iranians with a nuclear weapon. They will use it against us because they are
our enemy. You know like Russia, China,
India, Pakistan and North Korea used their nuclear weapons against us. See the pattern? None of these enemies with nuclear weapons
used them against the United States. You
know why? Because they are scared of
us? Maybe not. Maybe we started treating them differently
once they developed nuclear weapons.
Maybe we stopped bullying them once they built a big gun. We don’t play macho games with Russia,
China and North Korea because they have nuclear weapons. We play
nice with India and Pakistan because they have nuclear weapons, as do the UK
and France who also have nuclear weapons.
A nuclear weapon gives you respect at the
world poker table. If one nuclear-armed
country goes all in …. we all fold. The
only country who has proven they cannot be trusted with a nuclear weapon is …..
the United States. The United States is
the only country to ever use a nuclear weapon against an enemy state (We used
it twice, in case anyone missed it the first time). Imagine that for a moment… America, armed
with thousands of nuclear warheads pointed at Iran, tells Iran they cannot be
trusted with a nuclear weapon (You don’t have to imagine it, it is happening). Iran could only have one reasonable response,
“WTF?” Iran is fully aware America has a
nuclear arsenal and has used this nuclear arsenal. Iran is also fully aware it is considered an
enemy state of the US. Would you want to
be the sand ni**er with a slingshot?
Of course you would not. You know exactly how the Iranians feel. This is why you don’t let your American
government take your guns. You don’t
trust them either. Why? Because you have seen what they can do… and
so have the Iranians and the Iraqis and the Afghanis and the Vietnamese and the
Koreans and the African-Americans and the Native Americans and the rest of the
This is the problem with America. We have a cowboy mentality in an astronaut
world. Sure we conquered the Native
Americans with guns (and a little help from the measles, germ warfare) but it
is much easier to be a quick-on-the-draw cowboy when you are the only one in
the fight with a gun. It is when your
enemy is armed we find out how tough and smart you really are. How many fights have we picked with other
nuclear weapon-toting cowboys? None as I
recall. We came close at Nuclear High
Noon with the Cuban Missile Crisis but in the end both nuclear-toting cowboys
failed to fire a nuclear shot and returned safely home to their families (after
negotiations and concessions from both sides).
We PERCEIVE Iran as a potential
threat. Iran looks around the Middle
East and sees reality, the United States is a real and active threat. Iran wishes to defend its self. I understand that line of reasoning. If I were in their sandals I would feel
exactly the same way. There is no brown
scare. There is a retaliation
scare. We know what we, and other white
Christian males from the British Empire, have done to these and other
countries. We know what we would do if
the sandal was on the other foot. And we
are scared that is what they want to do to us.
It is the same reason we fear minorities in our own country. We know what we did to them. If they gain power are they going to do to us
what we did to them? This is our fear.
We should confront this fear…. with an
apology….and ACTION. We should invade
their countries, with their permission, carrying food, water, clothing,
education and technology. Do you think
this would change their perception?
Instead of crossing the border with tanks might we enter driving water
trucks with school books and Chipotle burritos?
Do you think we might be viewed as liberators then? Or we could simply get out of their
countries and their affairs. We could
help only if asked.
We have dug
ourselves a hole with the world community which does not look and/or believe
like us. We are the more technologically
advanced society. Should we not act like
it? Or should we poke the perceived
caveman, armed with a nuclear device, a few more times and see how many more
buildings they can bring down? With a
nuclear weapon they can bring them all down.
With or without sanctions they will build
a nuclear weapon, as did other countries.
Do we want to use this time to build bridges to other nations and
cultures or watch all the bridges burn…. along with our world.
It is time we got a restraining order on
Uncle Sam and sent him to rehab. It is
time to move on and get our own shit together before we marry up with someone else. And when we do start seeing others…. we need to make sure he is not our Uncle... and he does not like to play cowboy.
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