How can a
child shoot up a school? The answer is
obvious. Bad parenting. Parents don’t want to hear this reality. We all know the parents who have the kid who
we all know is going to shoot up a school or find another way to end up in
prison. If you don’t know those parents
and those kids…then you are probably that parent and they are your kids. The kids you see hitting their parents. More likely to shoot up a school. The kids you see cussing at their
parents. More likely to shoot up a
school. The kids you see throwing a
tantrum in the store as their parents stand idly by. More likely to shoot up a school. The kid calling his mother by her first
name. More likely to shoot up a
school. The kid who has a list of
prescription medications which is exceeded by his parents. More likely to shoot up a school.
I spent more than twenty-five years as an
Occupational Therapy provider. I posses
Bachelors Degrees in Behavior Modification and Clinical Psychology. I have a Masters Degree in Counseling and
Human Development. I worked with
children in a clinical setting and in a classroom setting. In the classroom setting I specialized in
behavioral problem children. I have
provided therapy/counseling services to children since 1985. Is there a difference in ten-year-old
children from 1985 and ten-year-old children from 2015? Absolutely.
The children are much fatter. Why
is that? Because the adults are a lot
fatter. We will come back to that point
later. To place the blame on the
children is to ignore that which created this vast difference in children over
this thirty-year span… the parents. More
specifically, parenting styles. Even
more specifically, lack of parenting style.
In 1975, I was ten years old. I was raised in a manner which would most
definitely be considered child abuse by today’s standard. Physical violence, in the form of a spanking,
was a semi-regular occurrence. I vividly
remember being struck in the head by my father’s hand for behavioral
violations. On occasion I would take the
brunt of his high school graduation ring to my skull. Which was quite confusing because my father
had a GED. To think my father bought a
pawn shop high school graduation ring to hit me with not only made me fearful
but made me feel special. Even more
disturbing is the fact while my father was striking me he would be screaming,
“Boy, you’re gonna learn!” Which I found
highly amusing from a man who possessed a GED.
I am familiar with the pain of restriction, loss of allowance and loss
of entertainment devices. I remember
these events well because they taught me a lesson. I can rarely remember the behavioral
infraction where violence was dispensed upon me. For those occasions where loss of privileges
or freedom were deemed necessary punishments, I remember them well. If you have an idiot for a kid you are probably
going to have to hit him. And if you hit
a smart kid often enough he will become an idiot. I am not a fan personally or professionally
of hitting a child. It should be a last
resort for emergency situations. But I
am a supporter of popping a kid in the mouth for disrespectful responses or
snatching their ass off the floor to end a tantrum. A parent’s task is to train a child. Some parents will argue their job is to love
the child. It’s very simple… if you love
a child, you will train them.
Often the question is, “How do I learn to
train them?” Again, this is a simple
answer. Watch the Dog Whisperer. The techniques to train a child and a dog are
eerily similar. First and foremost, the
parent must be the Pack Leader. That’s
right… you gotta, at least, act like you know what the fuck you are doing. This is very important. A child does not need a parent who is overly
emotional, looks perpetually confused and seem totally overwhelmed. Those children need to be taken to the fire
station. Give someone else a
chance. I know the rumor is the fire
station will only take babies. What are
they going to do if you drop off a ten-year-old? They are not gonna leave the child out in the
cold. If you are dropping off a sixteen
or seventeen-year-old make sure they do not follow you back home in your other
I am sure some you are thinking you were
not taught the specifics of raising a child.
You also weren’t taught ten ways to have an orgasm but your sure as hell
read that article in one sitting. So,
head on down to the bookstore and get you a copy of an effective parenting
guide. To save you a couple of bucks
here is the jest of the child raising movement… CONSEQUENCES. That’s right…. CONSEQUENCES. One more time…. CONSEQUENCES. The key to raising a productive, non-mass
shooting child is CONSEQUENCES. A
child’s behavior must result in CONSEQUENCES… good and bad. In fact the preferred ratio is 4:1. For every one behavior you punish you should
find four behaviors to reward. I know
some of you are thinking it is going to be hard to find my child performing
four good behaviors. As you are laughing
that reality off remember it is your shitty parenting which has brought you to
this point. I would stop laughing… it’s
Behavioral consequences are the key to
raising a well-adjusted child who feels they have some control over their
environment. This will prevent your
child from spending their afternoons on the internet learning how to make an AR-15
out of cheese. Consequences teach a
child … when I do this… this happens.
This pairing of behavior and consequence brings order, stability and
predictability to their world. This
child does not feel the world is an uncontrollable series of events. They feel they can act on the world and it
makes a positive difference. They
develop an Internal Locus of Control.
This helps builds self esteem and rational thought.
Quite simply, undesirable consequences
teach a child a behavior is unacceptable.
Desirable consequences teach a child a behavior is acceptable. Let’s look at an example. “Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom can I have
my phone?” You give the child their
phone. The child learned if they
irritate you by calling your name SEVEN times you will give them their
phone. “Mom, can I have my phone?” “No.”
“But mom…” “Go get your
phone.” The child returns with their
phone. You place the phone on the
ground, step on it and break it. Do you
think the child will ask twice again?
NO. I know you are thinking you
spent hundreds of dollars on that phone.
Or you could spend thousands of dollars on therapy… or on ammo for his
Three, Two, One and a half…. This is the
warning countdown of a shitty parent.
Give the consequences on the first trial. The child will learn the appropriate behavior
more quickly and you will not be tempted to drown the child in the tub. The child knows what they did wrong. On the rare occasion they do not know, they
have time to figure it out while on restriction. Make sure appropriate behaviors are outlined
prior to release from restriction. A
child who is placed on complete restriction for two weeks after throwing a
baseball through a window will be less likely to shoot his classmates because
he has already experienced jail time. This
child understands their actions produce consequences, if to no one else other
than their self. Complete restriction
means they do not play in the games or go to the recitals or sing in the choir. This teaches them not only do they suffer but
others suffer for their behaviors also.
This lesson may stop them from mowing down a room full of
Don’t get the kid a phone. I know… I know… all the other kids have
phones. If all the other parents were
letting their kid jump off a bridge would you let yours? I know… I know… what if there is an
emergency? Are you a first
responder? Then shut the fuck up. They will give you a phone call just like in
the old days…. after they have pasted his head back together. Then you can ask all the questions you
want. Remember when you broke your arm,
you got a cast and you were cool? Now we
cut down the tree you fell from, your parents sue Mother Nature and the child
goes to counseling for PTSD. Parents are
the problem. Let me ask you a question…
“Would you send your kid to school if you knew a rapist, a killer and a porn
star were having sex with a horse in his class that day?” When you send your kid to school with a phone
that is who you are sending to school with them. Not your kid?
Yes, your kid. At least one of
the kids in the classroom has this on his phone. You know what they call that kid? The MOST POPULAR KID. This child is showing your eight-year-old
daughter how to give a blow job on his phone.
This child is showing your son a drug dealer cutting the head off three
different men. Thank God you got them
that phone… it keeps them out of your hair.
Keeps them busy. You can keep
tabs on them.
Quit buying violent video games. Quit letting children watch violent
videos/movies. I know… I know… we saw
violent images when we were kids. Did
we? Cowboys got shot on television they
grabbed their side and slowly collapsed to the ground. Most of the time there was no blood. Now we allow them to play video games where
heads explode after being fired upon, usually with a military-grade rifle, and
blood splatters everywhere as they collapse headless onto the ground twitching. In fact, the more heads you can blow off the
more points you get. Kind of like the
higher the body count for your mass shooting the more publicity you get. Kid are being desensitized to violence,
firearm use and death. In the 70’s, I
remember being startled when my Rockem Sockem robots head popped up. GTF, Grand Theft Auto, a game played by many
elementary school children introduces them to whores, guns, violence and
death. A child, even teenagers, do not
understand the concept of death. They do
not understand the consequences and the permanence of such a decision to take
their own life or another’s life. It is
a game. Reboot it and start again with
the same characters… there is no death in the virtual world.
Stop mainstreaming “special kids.” I know it sounds good to mainstream a special
kid. Makes us feel warm inside. It doesn’t work. Special kids belong in special classes. Classes where their special behaviors do not
disrupt the rest of the class. Students
should not be forced to function in fear they may be physically attacked by a
special kid because politically correct adults want to pretend this is a
productive idea. It isn’t. Imagine we take all the varsity basketball
players who can dunk and place them on a team then we put one kid on that team
who cannot make a lay-up. Is that kid
going to fit in? NO. Is that kid going to be ridiculed? YES.
Might that kid become angry and resentful? SURE.
Nobody wins in this scenario. The
special kid falls further behind. The
non-special kids are slowed and disrupted.
Special kids belong in special classes where they can find success. We do not have Special Olympians compete against
non-Special Olympians. Nobody’s a
The fact is many difficult and potentially
crazy kids are surviving childhood these days.
This is the result of childproofing.
In the 70’s natural selection took out many of these kids. At least two kids a year were run over on the
walk home because we did not have school zones and they refused to utilize the
crosswalks. A butter knife and an outlet
immediately stopped many a behavior problem in their tracks. Lead paint slowly worked its magic on kids
who could not follow instructions. The
picky eaters slowly and quietly starved.
Back in the day, a small child was the airbag which saved the life of a
parent in a vehicle collision.
Childproofing has allowed these difficult, unruly and potential school
shooters to survive childhood.
If your kid was allergic to bees would you
take up beekeeping? NO. So, when you have a crazy kid …. don’t own
guns. Even if you lock them up…. don’t
have guns! Crazy kids are like
safecrackers when it comes to unlocking gun cabinet. And remember your kid does not have to be
crazy. We did not cure stupid or
hardheaded. Both still exist. Do you really want to be the parents on
television explaining why your obviously crazy kid spent weekends at the gun
range with you before shooting up the school? At some point we are
going to start holding shitty parents responsible for the deeds of their crazy
kids. It is inevitable. Don’t be the first set of parents to go to
the electric chair because Crazy Timmy got a bag with no green gummy bears and
had to murder his classmates.
If your kid is on prescription drugs for behavioral/emotional issues he is more likely to become a school shooter. We all know that blank, void stare of various school shooters. This stare is drug induced. It is the result of years on medication which blunt a child's emotions. I know.... I know... your kid needs them or they are out of control. Maybe what they need is an attentive parent, who is not on prescription drugs for their emotional problems, who doles out CONSEQUENCES. Maybe some of these kids aren't bipolar and autistic. Maybe some of them are tremendously confused both intellectually and emotionally because they have not received their daily dose of CONSEQUENCES. It is much easier to shoot up a school when your emotions are muted.
Last…. know if you have a crazy kid. How do you know if you have a crazy kid? Do you lock your bedroom door at night? Have household pets mysteriously died or
disappeared? Does your kid lose his
temper easily over minor issues? Has he
seriously hurt any of your other non-crazy kids? Do you cut his meat because you don’t trust
him with a knife? Is his best friend his
imaginary friend? Does he walk home from
school by his self? Are you scared of
him? Have you considered an exorcism? Does he look crazy (ask a neighbor)? If your kid is male. If your kid is white. If your kid is on medication. If your kid is crazy. You might be raising a school shooter.
It would
seem the problem is people not guns. It
is true people kill people… but is much easier to kill people with guns,
especially guns which fire quickly and do not require much skill. I know… I know… you hunt with your
rifle. Killing another living being is a
sport to you. I would suggest you are one
of the crazy kids, who did not shoot up a school, who grew up to be a crazy
adult. You kill a living being as a
hobby… for a sport. Not for survival. For a fucking sport. Sound crazy?
Some crazy kids don’t shoot up schools.
They grow up to be crazy adults who mass murder from a Vegas hotel window or a
university tower or in the HR office at the post office. Read what I am saying…. YOU KILL ANOTHER
LIVING BEING FOR SPORT… this is crazy.
Maybe I'm just shooting off my mouth. But at least everyone walked away alive.
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