Bristol Palin had a child as a teenager! As a result of unprotected sex. That's right, she had sex! Did some of you idiots think she was the virgin who had given birth to the second coming. Do we not remember this fact? The conservative right are truly idiots or have a shrewd understanding of the American public. Regrettably, I believe it is the latter.
In general the American public are idiots. This is evidenced by the fact every time a politician states a political opponent is underestimating the intelligence of the American public these idiots reveal a toothless smile and mumble under their food-stuffed mouth "You're fuckin' A right buddy!". Which is then followed by a swig of beer they share with their huntin' dog.
Bristol Palin is promoting abstinence in a PSA! Next up Catholic Priests will advocate the ethical treatment of young boys and the posthumous release of Jeffrey Dahmer's book "Proper Parenting" will hit the bookshelves. If you have a retarded child you do not demand a retarded doctor. You know why? Cause you want your doctor to be smarter than a retard! Because someone HAS fucked up doesn't mean they know how NOT to fuck up. We don't make college professors of high school drop outs. Don't trot out your stupid arrogant child as the monkey to your Sarah Palin organ grinder and expect credibility. Expect what I am giving you! You are using your seemingly skill-less child to keep you in the public eye. Bristol Palin makes Kim Kardashian look like Steven Hawking. Any self respecting parent would keep their child out of such a bright spotlight. Bristol Palin is known for being the child of Sarah Palin, producing an illegitimate child as a teen, and picking an absolute douche as a boyfriend. For these reasons alone she, along with her family, should have found a rock to climb under a long time ago. But back to the American public.......
The American eats this shit up because they are addicted to eating shit up. We want people like the Palin's in the spotlight because we can identify with them. They are one of us. They are as stupid, self absorbed and greedy as we are! We understand the Palin's situation because we have been there. Our daughter has fucked an idiot. Our husband has yet to come out of the closet. At this very moment many of us are watching our grandchild while our talentless offspring pursue their self- aggrandizing dream. We want the Palins to overcome their lack of intelligence, greed, selfishness, inbreeding, and reality so we might have hope we can overcome ours. If those group of idiots can have the American dream so can I!
I have met many families who espouse family values like the Palins. I rarely meet a family who PRACTICES family values. Grab another handful of Cheese Puffs and take another swig of Mountain Dew you fuckin' gun totin' hilbillies.
As for me I want a political representative and a role model who is smarter and more compassionate than I. I want to be inspired and have someone to aspire to. America, we are running blindfolded with scissors and this is not going to end pretty.


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